Monday, July 03, 2006

Bil-Liars. Who are they and why they are Bil-LIARS

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Posted: July 03 2006 at 7:35am | IP Logged Quote Creditwrench

Derek wrote:

Provided he maintains the NUMBER ONE listing on Google for Billie Bauer and Creditwrench, people will click on the link each and every time someone Google's your name. Bet on it. He doesn't have to "force it". Then, Google's engine notes the description in the result page containing his listing, counts the number of times people click on it, but more importantly, Google monitors how long a person stays on Normie's site before they either bail from the site or hit the back button. The time a person spends on a listed site tells Google how relevant the site was to the person's search. Furthermore, since Google OWNS Blogger, the site is automatically awarded a higher ranking. Normie's choice to use a Blog rather than a webpage was probably the single most important factor he could have made to insure a high ranking.

So once again, "Mr. SEO", your information is false and misleading.

Now there is a perfect example of a Bil-LIE. A theory stated by a well trained Ingoramus which on the surface of it seems logical and probably true but is then twisted into a Bil-LIE. His next step is to get one or more PUTZMEISTERS to agree with him that so that he can claim that his Bil-LIE is not a Bil-LIE but rather the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

The first key indicator pointing to the fact that an Ignoramus is at work yet once again is the use of certain keywords upon which he craftily builds his BiL-LIE. In this particular example the Ignoramus starts his Bil-LIE with the word "provided" which is an assumptive word. Then in true Ignorati fashion the ignoramus immediately follows his first assumptive statement with yet another which in this case is also equally baseless. Then the Ignoramus tries to nail the roof on his Bil-LIE so that it might hopefully shed the rain of fact that anyone with even a shred of cognitive ability would immediately see it for the Bil_LIE that it is.

Next the skilful Ignoramus adds a statement that just about every so called and usually self-styled Ignorati "SEO expert" believed back when GOOGLE bought out PYRA Labs. And that one simpleminded belief was what really caused the avalanche of people rushing to become bloggers. They believed that, as Derek The Ignoramus claims here:

DEREK the Ignoramus wrote:
Furthermore, since Google OWNS Blogger, the site is automatically awarded a higher ranking.

So, like the infamous Judas Goat, E. Normis, they inundated PYRA LABS now property of GOOGLE because they believed that Google would then give all their crapola greater credence than that of any static website or non Google blogs. Had GOOGLE been so dumb as to let that happen then GOOGLE would have instantly lost it's credibility with the searching public.

Instead of falling into that trap it began to demand better content from webmasters and bloggers alike. But the acquisition of by Google has proven to be's catastrophic event because GOOGLE has never done anything to improve or give it's adherants one iota of extra advantage in Google page rankings.

Others have moved on to further the reach and impact of blogging and bloggers and to help get higher rankings. While Google has proven to be little more than a millstone hung around the necks of all those who trusted it. Blogger is still the most popular blogging platform it is not the blog of preference for most of the really serious bloggers. They consider it to be merely another hobbyist's tool and have moved on to other platforms.

Today, because of Google's refusal to further what it bought from Pyra Labs, other people and companies have moved in to fill the void that Google refuses to fill. But of course, the Ignorati and the putzmeisters haven't figured that out or how to implement the newer technologies they simply keep on singing the praises of Google.

Then the Ignoramus Derek craftily builds another true statement into his Bil-LIE in a vain attempt to give it even more credibility.
Derek the Ignoramus wrote:

Then, Google's engine notes the description in the result page containing his listing, counts the number of times people click on it, but more importantly, Google monitors how long a person stays on Normie's site before they either bail from the site or hit the back button. The time a person spends on a listed site tells Google how relevant the site was to the person's search.

But the PUTZMEISTER has no idea how much time people spend on his Bil-LIE generator. Nor does he have the foggiest idea where they came from nor to where they fled in disgust.

Nice try, Ignormus but it simply won't fly.


  • False Advertising & dirty tricks
  • E. Normis Debtor is a Bil-LIAR and a putzmeister as well
    Rip Off Report Bil-LIAR Bil-LIAR